Voice Emerges From Your Heart

Recorded Conversation Of Zoom Meeting.

HIC- In today's time, the movies that are being made and the topic you have chosen is very controversial, so what was your source of motivation? And when no one wants to talk about it, why you?

S.P Singh- Look, the things that no one wants to talk about are probably the very things that need to be discussed. As a filmmaker, we often showcase a golden aspect and escape from any serious subject. But unless you touch that serious subject deeply, unless you bring forward those things that make people uncomfortable, I believe you are not truly serious about your craft or your profession. Because, somewhere, cinema emerges from within society, and it delivers a message. In recent times, people are eager to know the truth about these things, rather than superficial matters or whitewashing. I think the time has come to discuss these serious questions, to delve into these topics and start moving towards their solutions. One of these serious topics is terrorism, which has become perhaps the most serious issue not only for our country but also for the entire world. Recently, we have seen our top political leaders continuously talking about it. So now is the right time to have a conversation about it and approach it with seriousness, rather than making light or casual remarks.

HIC- Right

HIC- Sir, the topic you have chosen, when you and your team posted about it on Twitter and other platforms, there is a section of society that is not in agreement and is unhappy. You were aware that there would be backlash from the moment you ventured into this, yet you decided to produce this film. It's a matter of great significance, but don't you think that you will be able to break down the notion and the setup? Because there are already existing barriers there, and this question is for Mr. Ashok, sir.

Ashok ji- Well, you see, every time there are oppositions, there are people with different mindsets. It's not necessary that everyone will support the work you're doing or the film you're making, and it will be right for everyone. This doesn't mean that people shouldn't make films according to their own will, their own desires, or their own calculations. Those who are talking about the particular issue you're discussing have already made films of that nature, and they continue to make them. So, whether you have any fear, hesitation, or any kind of reluctance about it, thinking that people will react or whether we should make it or not, we are prepared to face any kind of consequence, any kind of opposition, from anyone. We have seen how previous films were attacked by people, so we are mentally prepared. We are prepared for whatever kind of reaction comes, and in a way, it's good. It's a big challenge to the narrative that has been set in this country so far, where there was a notion that films of this kind would be made, with a communist viewpoint, with an urban saviour viewpoint, and that this won't lead to progress, that this is a poor country, etc., especially after 2014. So, all these forces opposing our kind of films have been opposing it since the teaser of the film was launched, saying, "This is a propaganda film." So, it seems to us that all these forces that are exposing it have been exposed. They feel assured, and that's why


they are putting all their efforts to harm the film in one way or another. More opposition, more success for the film. We have seen examples before with other films. The time has come for filmmakers, writers, those who have set a narrative in this country, that this film challenges that narrative, it destroys the narrative that has always kept this country's culture, respect, and dignity at stake. So, insecurity has spread, and that's why you see how they are struggling, how troubled they are. They don't even review the film, but they criticise it. You see, their narrative is so strong, they are so troubled, and the mistake lies with our administrators, with those who amaze [inaudible] at such festivals and use words that become a propagative for our filmmakers. Instead of calling it a film, they call it trash and hurl abuses at them. So, somewhere, I feel it's very important for those in power, those who hold the reins, to take a stance and it's necessary to predict their moves.

HIC- Ashok ji, we know that you always take a hard stance, which others don't often take. You have always been vocal about issues that people are unable to speak about because they fear that their share of origin will be taken away from them. So, we all know about your Twitter account, where you used to speak in such a way that we hoped someone would come and talk about it, and portray the truth. What happened? Was your voice suppressed? Sir, people have enough support for you, and there is still one week left for the film to release, but their tactics have already started. So, sir, are you still prepared? How will you focus on that?

Ashok ji - I believe that when a voice emerges from your heart and when you truly believe in something, no force can stop that voice. Because it holds truth, it holds honesty. Gulab ji and Sanjay ji have made this film with great difficulties, they know it, we all know it. But if the voice is honest, if it carries no blemishes, then it doesn't need a platform. It doesn't need any platform. Our strength is with you, and I am sitting here with you, and we all are sitting with you. Mahesh Bhatt's words come to my mind, which I mentioned in a WhatsApp conversation, and even our elders have said it, "Whatever your heart desires, whatever your heart tells you, you can say it with truth." [Disconnected]

HIC- Gulab sir, my next question is for you as the producer of the film. How challenging is it to produce a film that revolves around such a hot topic, a film that could potentially face hurdles even before the release of its trailer, as the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) did not allow the trailer to be released? How difficult is it for a producer to invest their hard-earned money in such a project?

Gulab ji- Aah, it's difficult. In my opinion, if we look at it on a scale of 1-10, it would definitely be a solid 10 in terms of challenges. Difficulties are bound to arise in every situation, and we have to face them. But when we are determined to make such a film and move forward with a particular story, there is no need to dwell on the difficulties. We believe in continuing to progress. This is Sanjay's perspective, Ashok's perspective, and my perspective as well.

HIC- Sir, you were a pilot, and I have done some light research about you. During emergencies, you had a certain charisma about you that left people astounded. So, sir, is that quality still present in you? I am concerned that by touching upon such a topic, backlash is bound to happen. So, what is your plan to counter that, and how do you intend to proceed with the same thing?


Gulab ji- Look, when a person stands on the grounds of truth and honesty, there is no need for them to prepare a counter plan. Counter plans are meant for those who are dealing with falsehood and dishonesty. One who stands with truth and integrity may take time, but they will move forward, as people will listen to them and understand. With this hope, we have been working, and it is evident that all of you are with us. The public is with us, and everyone is watching and understanding our efforts.

HIC- Sir, as we can see these days, in the past, it was nearly impossible to make such movies, even the thought of it seemed impossible. I would like to know from you, what has changed now compared to earlier, that has led to not only the possibility but also the encouragement to make such movies?

Gulab ji- I understand that this is a very thoughtful and significant topic, and your question is quite accurate and also has a spiritual aspect. Since the time of India's independence, it was communicated to all of us that we should refer to a particular community by a particular name, such as not calling a Muslim a Muslim and not referring to Pakistan as Pakistan. Instead, we had to use veiled references to convey our message. Why was there fear even in uttering names? And if the same thing was done by a Hindu, it would be caught and criticised, but if a Muslim did the same, it would be connected to their faith and beliefs. Such a situation was created. At that time, I understand that after independence, the government that was formed, the Congress government, with Nehru as the Prime Minister, created an atmosphere of complete surrender and appeasement in front of the Muslim community. It gradually continued in line with the mindset of each individual, and they could not rise above it. Then, with time, things gradually changed. As I say, every action is a reaction. This action was that Hindus were suppressed, and they were told not to speak about these issues. A victim card was played, and it was said that these poor people, they are like this, they are like that. The situation was such that no girl could come out from a Muslim neighbourhood, but even then, it was said that the law and order near that neighbourhood is not good. No one would have the courage, not even the police. They wouldn't go there. Now, every person's mind repeatedly witnesses such clashes. Why does this happen? And why are we stopped from speaking about it? Time changed, and slowly, the people of India and the Indian public started expressing their emotions. The result was that the Congress went to the sidelines, and the Bharatiya Janata Party came forward. The Bharatiya Janata Party gave everyone the opportunity to speak their minds. And that's what I believe is true democracy. Democracy didn't come in 1947; democracy came in 2014 when honourable Modi became the Prime Minister. After that, people could breathe in the open air. Every individual could express their thoughts freely. The things that people were afraid to speak about, they now have the freedom to say it. It is the result of this change that many people are now going to watch 'The Kashmir Files,' and many have gone out to see 'Kerala Story.' We are receiving complete respect, and all of this is the result of that change.

HIC- My question is for Sanjay ji regarding the trailer that I saw on Twitter, and from what I understood, it is a very significant topic. To condense a movie that spans two to three hours into a brief trailer and present it in a well-structured chronological manner, how do you, as a director, face these challenges?


SP Singh- Well, you see, for every film director, it is a challenge, but in this case, there were more challenges than just tacticality. When you work on such explosive subjects, it is generally perceived as non-conventional, and you face the difficulties of potential boycotts and criticism. Deciding to move forward despite all these challenges becomes the biggest challenge in itself. In order to overcome this, it is important to have like-minded individuals who can provide support and boost morale, individuals like Gulab ji and Ashok ji, who believe in such issues and increase the courage. Once you gather such people, you become prepared to face the other challenges that come your way. This is the kind of subject where things are changing now, and people are becoming ready to accept it. However, we have always been afraid to discuss it. Often, the crew members feel insecure, and the actors feel that this story is going in a different direction through us. Other challenges that are not usually found within the realm of films also become associated with it. Then, the narrative style that I wanted to use for this film, the unique elements that were chosen to tell this story, all those hard tools were utilized to create an impact and deliver the intended message with seriousness. The visual style, the color palette, the strokes, all have a purpose, and they have been chosen so that they can be better understood after watching the film.

HIC- My question is for Ashok ji. After 2014, in the industry you belong to, there has been an awakening among Hindus. They have become more active on social media. What do you think, after this government came into power, did the producers gain more courage? What is your perspective on this?

Ashok ji- Look, what definitely is there, after the arrival of Modi ji, there is a boost in morale, a surge in confidence, the narrative that used to prevail in the film industry, I'm talking about the big filmmakers, the communist left-leaning directors, producers like Shyam babu, Syyed Mirza, and many others, who are all my friends and we respect them. So, when the atmosphere in this country changed, people like us, our confidence definitely increased. There is no doubt about it. I believe that in the previous government, films like 'The Kashmir Files' and 'Kerala Story' couldn't be released or even banned. The central government didn't approve it. And the reality is, whether anyone believes it or not, this is the reality. And the reality is also that our film's trailer didn't receive certification in our government. This is also a fact. Either there are some people, some select individuals still seated in their positions, who haven't been removed yet, and such people exist. We are still suffering. There are people who support Congress, who are against us, and they are still there, even in good positions. The people chosen, whether for festivals, events, or important chairs, you won't find people who think like us, who have actually thought for the country, made films for the country, and worked for it. We have to carry this reality together and work in it. I'm upset because a film that received a national award had its trailer rejected. So, when we go, where will we go if they haven't accepted us? Our people are telling us to make changes in the trailer. Will there be any action against them? An English person comes into our government and insults our country's filmmakers, like Vivek Agnihotri, on stage during Hindi festivals, humiliating him for his film 'The Kashmir Files.' This is also a fact. We need to think about these things too. For us, it's still a tough time. We are neither here nor there. We are not doing anything because this is our voice, coming from our hearts. We were like this before, we are still like this, and we will continue to be like this. Governments will come and go. This is our thinking, our conviction, our culture, taught to us by our parents. We are people with a spiritual background. But it hurts us to see all this. Then we all sit and discuss. Then we think, 'God is with us, let's fight for ourselves, move forward.' But at some point, the other person will have


to think. It's been about 20-25 days since my Twitter got suspended. We all know who is in power, that's why our voice is being suppressed because we have brought forward the truth, made many factors uncomfortable, openly challenged people, especially at times when our films are releasing. When the teaser of our film was released, there were 2.5 million views, but they removed it. But we are ready to face these attacks. But at some point, our seniors will have to think about people like us. God is above us, our truth is with us, our heart is with us. There are good people with us. Together, we will fight this battle.

HIC- Ashok ji, in continuation of what you mentioned, I would like to ask a few questions. According to an article in Business Time, this movie made its debut at an international film festival in 2019, and it also received a national award in 2021, as you mentioned. Everyone knows that radical leftists hold different positions, and they have always dominated these kinds of organisations. Was it due to their interference that the movie was made in 2019 but took until 2023 to release on a larger scale, with the interruption of COVID in between? Even if we consider the time taken due to COVID, were there any attempts from their side to prevent the movie from being released because, as we have seen in the past, movies like 'Lipstick Under My Burkha' were completely banned solely because the title included 'burkha,' and it explored the stories of Muslim women. There has always been an attempt in Indian society, as you mentioned, to use different words instead of directly referring to the Muslim community.

Ashok ji- No, no, it's not like that. I don't think it's because of any external interference. There were some internal reasons causing the delay. We weren't ready to release it, considering those reasons. We were waiting for the best possible time to release the film. You see, everything has a distinct timing, and Gulab ji and Sanjay ji felt that it is the best time to release it. We have made the necessary preparations, and the film is being released at the right time. I believe Sanjay ji and Gulab ji will provide a better explanation for this matter. Sanjay ji..?

S.P Singh- I believe Ashok sir has already covered all the points, and what happens is that the film was ready, but as soon as we obtained certification, it had its world premiere at the Indian Panorama and the International Film Festival of India. After that, we went for the national award, but it was during the time of COVID, and then people were hesitant to come to theatres. We wanted the film to be released in theatres because it was made for the big screen. Our intention was that people enjoy the film on the big screen. Everything has its destiny, and there comes a time when things align according to your preferences. Making a film itself is not just a challenge; releasing it properly, creating awareness, and taking it to theatres is another significant challenge. So, we prepare ourselves to face that challenge when the right time comes, with our full capabilities and strength. I believe that the time has come, and the film will be released on the 7th.

HIC- As the current discussion is progressing, there is a dialogue from "The Kashmir Files" that comes to my mind. It says, "Sarkar chahe kisi ki bhi ho, system toh hamara hai" (Regardless of the government, the system belongs to us). This story has evolved further, but even after that, I have a question for all three of you - Ashok ji, Sanjay ji, Gulab ji. In many places, it is facing backlash in different ways, attempts are being made to stop it, ban it, and various actions are being taken against it. Twitter and social media platforms serve as a medium where there are numerous accounts similar to our Hindu IT cell, which strive to


represent the voice of Hindus and uphold the truth. My question to you is, do you have any plans or intentions in the coming week or the week after to counter this and Bring it to social media ? Because in the end, where there is no support, social media continues to progress and support. There have been numerous incidents related to your movie and social media. What is your plan regarding this?

Ashok ji- You people exist, but we don't even care about it. We have a whole army, such a huge army that we can throw people down and even raise them up if we want. Neither Sanjay nor I nor Gulab ji are worried about it. That responsibility is yours. I'm telling you the truth, social media, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, they all have an impact. There should be an awareness that there is a group called the silent majority. The silent majority is not on Twitter, not on social media, not anywhere. And if things are successful, they gain power. Whether it's an election or a film, their success depends on them. They don't speak for a whole year, they press a button after five years, and then Modi becomes the Prime Minister. They are not on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. When the truth is spoken, they all rush to the theatre, and the answer to this is not with the producer or the director. Those who call themselves activists on social media, boasting about their followers, are not bigger than those who press the button, like 'The Kerala Story'. The success of these films depends on those people who go to the theatres in large numbers. They suspended me on Twitter, but there are millions of Ashok Pandits in this world. I represent my thoughts, and it doesn't matter what happens, but those who support our thoughts will go to the theatre and make this film a hit. I believe in it, and it is my belief. And then there are forces like you, who will come on the streets. I know that you will all demand the suspension of Ashok Pandit's Twitter account, and we will start trending. Twitter will understand on its own, and those who tried to suppress my voice will be exposed. They are all the ones who shout, "India will be divided into pieces." They have become so powerful that they silence the voices of patriots. This is a temporary phase, and it will pass.