The Affected Community

After experiencing such incidents, we took immediate action by sending emails to the Delhi Police.

Introducing the infamous Tanvir Rangrez, a venomous presence lurking in the depths of social media. With a Twitter handle as distasteful as @virjust18, this man has made it his mission to spread hate and vitriol against the Hindu community. Rangrez is notorious for his incessant, unrelenting abuse directed towards Hindu gods, turning Twitter into his personal battleground for spewing vile insults and derogatory remarks. Fuelled by an incomprehensible level of animosity, Rangrez's twisted mind appears to find pleasure in denigrating the beliefs and traditions held sacred by millions. Prepare to witness the dark underbelly of online abuse as we delve into the toxic realm of Tanvir Rangrez, where hatred reigns supreme and tolerance is nothing but a forgotten concept. Brace yourself for an aggressive encounter with this unhinged individual, as we unmask the depths of his malevolence.

The actions of Tanvir Rangrez, who frequently engages in mocking and belittling Hindus while encouraging laughter from members of other communities, have caused significant distress and concern among the affected individuals. Numerous reports and complaints from a substantial number of Hindu citizens have shed light on his offensive behaviour, which has the potential to incite division and discord among religious groups.

It is evident from the reported incidents that Rangrez's actions not only violate principles of religious tolerance and mutual respect but also undermine the social fabric of our diverse society. The dissemination of derogatory remarks and offensive content aimed at ridiculing Hindus has deeply hurt the sentiments of the community, leading to feelings of anguish and a sense of marginalisation.

Given the gravity of the situation, it is essential to address this matter with utmost seriousness. Proper investigation and appropriate legal action must be taken against Tanvir Rangrez to ensure accountability for his actions. It is imperative to uphold the principles of justice and safeguard the rights of all individuals to practise their respective faiths without fear of targeted abuse or discrimination.

Furthermore, this incident highlights the urgent need for stronger regulations and measures to tackle hate speech and inflammatory content on social media platforms. Collaborative efforts among law enforcement agencies, platform administrators, and users are crucial in creating a safe and inclusive digital environment where respect for diverse beliefs and opinions is upheld.

By addressing the concerns raised by the affected Hindu community and taking appropriate actions against Tanvir Rangrez, we can send a strong message against religious intolerance and promote a society built on mutual understanding, respect, and harmony. The matter at hand demands prompt attention and effective measures to prevent the escalation of tensions and the perpetuation of hatred.

The case of Tanvir Rangrez came into the spotlight on June 11th, when he shamelessly shared a highly inappropriate video aimed at tarnishing the image of Hindus. With no legitimate justification, Rangrez resorted to spreading ridicule, unleashing a torrent of mocking laughter. His actions showcased a complete disregard for respect and decency, while also highlighting his penchant for sowing discord and engaging in unwarranted verbal assaults. It is disheartening to witness his deliberate attempts to provoke and incite controversies, exploiting the video as a tool to unleash vitriol upon other communities. This reprehensible behaviour not only demonstrates Rangrez's profound lack of empathy and understanding but also underlines the urgent need for responsible and ethical conduct in online spaces. Such actions perpetuate hate and division, eroding the foundations of harmonious coexistence that should be fostered and upheld in a diverse society.

Here is a screenshot of one of Tanvir Rangrez's tweets, where he attempted to create a derogatory image of Hindus and engaged in provocative and divisive rhetoric. This screenshot is just a glimpse into the countless tweets where Tanvir has resorted to such deplorable behaviour. It is truly disheartening to witness the depths to which Tanvir stoops in his relentless pursuit to demean and insult the Hindu community.

The screenshot serves as a grim reminder of the abhorrent mindset and malicious intentions of Tanvir. The fact that such a screenshot can evoke such disgust and revulsion speaks volumes about the extent of his derogatory actions. It is evident that Tanvir is not only a perpetrator of hate speech but also a person devoid of moral integrity and compassion.

The sheer volume of tweets by Tanvir, aimed at degrading and provoking other communities, showcases his unwavering dedication to sowing discord and promoting hostility. It is a testament to his low character and lack of empathy towards the sentiments of others. Such behaviour not only violates the principles of decency and respect but also perpetuates a cycle of animosity and intolerance.

The implications of Tanvir's actions go beyond the realm of social media. They have the potential to fuel tensions and incite real-world conflicts, jeopardising the peaceful coexistence of diverse communities. It is crucial to address this issue promptly and take appropriate measures to hold Tanvir accountable for his derogatory and inflammatory remarks.

By exposing and condemning the reprehensible behaviour demonstrated in this screenshot and the numerous tweets by Tanvir, we can collectively reject hate speech and reaffirm our commitment to fostering a society rooted in tolerance, understanding, and harmony.

Here is another screenshot where Tanvir can be seen making a highly derogatory and insensitive statement. In this particular tweet, he audaciously claims, "Dasrath had three queens, but he didn't know that Ram had five fathers ." This statement reflects Tanvir's blatant disregard for the sacred narratives and beliefs cherished by the Hindu community.

By making such a distasteful remark, Tanvir demonstrates a complete lack of respect for religious figures and an alarming level of insensitivity. His attempt to ridicule and distort the revered stories and characters from Hindu mythology is deeply offensive and hurtful to those who hold these beliefs dear.

This screenshot serves as evidence of Tanvir's deliberate efforts to provoke and demean Hindus through his social media presence. It is indicative of his inclination towards spreading discord, disrespect, and mockery. Such behaviour not only undermines the principles of religious harmony but also exacerbates divisions within society.

After experiencing such incidents, we took immediate action by sending emails to the Delhi Police, tagging them on Twitter countless times, and even personally delivering a written letter. However, to our dismay, there has been no official response or action taken by the Delhi Police in regards to this matter. Such negligent disregard by the Delhi Police, despite the gravity of the situation, has left us disheartened and deeply disappointed.

We had expected the Delhi Police, as the law enforcement authority responsible for maintaining peace and order, to swiftly address this issue. The lack of any substantial action has raised concerns about the effectiveness and efficiency of their handling of cases related to hate speech and religious intolerance.

The inaction from the Delhi Police has not only undermined our faith in their commitment to upholding justice but has also perpetuated a sense of impunity for individuals like Tanvir Rangrez, who continue to propagate hatred and disrespect towards a particular religious community.


As concerned citizens, we had hoped that our efforts to bring this matter to the attention of the authorities would yield prompt results, ensuring the safety and well-being of all citizens. However, the lack of response has left us questioning the commitment of the Delhi Police towards protecting the rights and sentiments of the affected community.

It is crucial that the Delhi Police take immediate and decisive action in response to the complaints and evidence provided. This will not only restore our faith in the justice system but also send a strong message that hate speech and religious mockery will not be tolerated in our society.

We urge the Delhi Police to acknowledge our concerns and take necessary steps to rectify the situation. It is essential for them to demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding the rights and dignity of all citizens, irrespective of their religious beliefs. Only through prompt and effective action can we ensure a society that is free from discrimination, hatred, and intolerance.

We have obtained crucial information regarding the individual responsible for these offensive actions. The name of the person in question is Tanvir Rangrez, residing at C432, Gali no 8, Shri Ram Colony, Delhi 110094. Additionally, we have a contact number associated with him, which is 9891804071. These details provide important leads for the authorities to initiate an investigation into his activities and hold him accountable for his actions.

It is imperative that the Delhi Police take immediate action based on this information to ensure the safety and well-being of the affected community. The provided details offer a starting point for further inquiries, enabling the police to track down Tanvir Rangrez and bring him to justice for his offensive behaviour.

By promptly addressing this matter and taking appropriate legal action against Tanvir Rangrez, the Delhi Police can demonstrate their commitment to upholding the law and protecting the rights of all citizens. It is vital that they utilise this information effectively and ensure that such incidents of hate speech and religious mockery are dealt with firmly and decisively.

The affected community, as well as concerned citizens, eagerly await a response from the Delhi Police, trusting that they will utilise the provided information to initiate a thorough investigation into Tanvir Rangrez's actions. It is only through swift and decisive measures that we can restore faith in the justice system and deter individuals from spreading hatred and division in our society.